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New Patients at Chiropractic FIRST

Welcome to our practice; we’re so glad you chose us for your health care needs! Come in and make yourself comfortable. We respect your time and won’t keep you waiting long.

Our new patient email contains a link to our paperwork; please complete it before coming to your appointment. Our onboarding practice is a two-step process; we ask that you allow 20-30 minutes for your first visit. Loose, comfortable clothing is suggested; gowns are also available for your comfort.

Adjuster on backWhen You Return

The second visit is where you’ll get answers to your questions. Dr. Jamey will go over your test results, scans, and X-rays, if applicable, and explain what he found and how that relates to your issue. Together, we’ll develop a plan to get you where you want to be.

The scans give us a pretty good idea how long it will take to get you feeling better. We also help you understand that feeling better is only the first step. There’s still more work to be done to restore proper function. If you choose to continue care, you’ll receive your first adjustment today.

If a patient has requested no X-rays, Dr. Jamey won’t do traditional manual adjustments. He will rely on instrument adjusting with either the ArthroStim®, Activator®, Integrator™ or similar methods.

Financial Responsibilities

Dr. Jamey will discuss the financials while going over your care plan. He’ll review what the insurance will cover and your responsibility. Assignment is available for those in an auto accident; our staff will handle the paperwork for those cases. Speak with our staff about payment options or any other questions.

Let’s Get Started

Call today to book your visit and get started on the road to better health!


New Patients at Chiropractic FIRST | (402) 421-7000